How drab would life be if everyone agreed on anything you say? Its good to have everyone following you, but its no fun if those people don't place their opinions before you, if they don't heartily participate. Every human being has the right to have an opinion, and should not be afraid to express it. Now, the problem here is the issue of interpersonal conflicts. Different opinions are bound to lead to clashes.
However, is it really a problem? I feel that interpersonal conflicts are not necessarily a bad thing. As long as they are resolved effectively, they can lead to personal and professional growth. When there are interjections in a discussion, when the team members place their view-points and argue on their correctness, it actually helps is getting the best out of the group. If everyone agreed to the leader, then how would be 'teamwork' anyways?
You might be wondering how can I rate such a 'negative' thing as positive? Please don't get me wrong here. If the conflicts are not handled with care, the results could be harsh for the entire team, leading to disruption of group dynamics and firing up personal cold-wars. Hence, its not the conflict we should worry about, but how we can resolve it is what we should think about.
Let me share with you a short story. I had gone to a boarding school for my JC. For the first time in my life, I was out of my comfort zone, into a double room with Varnan. Initially, my only concern used to be homesickness. However, soon Varnan and me started having difficulty tolerating each other. He was a nocturnal bat, while I was an 'early to bed early to rise' kind of person. Slowly, the situation turned from bad to worse.
We had a common friend Sid. He was our neighbor. It was getting difficult for him to handle the friendship. So, finally he decided to intervene, to resolve our conflict. If you were into Sid's shoes, what would you do?
However, is it really a problem? I feel that interpersonal conflicts are not necessarily a bad thing. As long as they are resolved effectively, they can lead to personal and professional growth. When there are interjections in a discussion, when the team members place their view-points and argue on their correctness, it actually helps is getting the best out of the group. If everyone agreed to the leader, then how would be 'teamwork' anyways?
You might be wondering how can I rate such a 'negative' thing as positive? Please don't get me wrong here. If the conflicts are not handled with care, the results could be harsh for the entire team, leading to disruption of group dynamics and firing up personal cold-wars. Hence, its not the conflict we should worry about, but how we can resolve it is what we should think about.
Let me share with you a short story. I had gone to a boarding school for my JC. For the first time in my life, I was out of my comfort zone, into a double room with Varnan. Initially, my only concern used to be homesickness. However, soon Varnan and me started having difficulty tolerating each other. He was a nocturnal bat, while I was an 'early to bed early to rise' kind of person. Slowly, the situation turned from bad to worse.
We had a common friend Sid. He was our neighbor. It was getting difficult for him to handle the friendship. So, finally he decided to intervene, to resolve our conflict. If you were into Sid's shoes, what would you do?