Sunday, April 17, 2011

Final Reflection: The journey from "taciturn listeners" to "voluble speakers"

The sands of time sure trickle fast. It feels like only yesterday that I entered into the ES2007S class. Now its past thirteen weeks. 

Truly the journey of this module has been memorable and insightful. Ranging from brainstorming over problem solving, presenting and defending our ideas to reflecting over the hiccups of the past, we students have evolved from “taciturn listeners” to confident “voluble speakers” dying to speak out and voice our opinion.

Let me summarize what we’ve learnt over these few months with the 7Cs of effective communication and teamwork.

COURTESY – Throughout this module we were made to interact with each other, collaborate and cooperate while working in teams and thus enhance our listening and inter-personal skills. We learnt to respect each other’s opinion, faced and dealt with conflicting ideas and in the process, also learnt about different cultures and thought processes.

CORRECTNESS – We worked together to solve prominent problems in Singapore, put forward our ideas in the form of the project proposal, which was questioned and tested for its validity and practicality. Working in teams helped analyse all aspects of the problem and thus prejudices, limited knowledge and other weaknesses could be avoided.

 – Whether it was during the peer teaching or the written project proposal and oral interaction, we learnt to be brief and yet precise, based either on time or on the amount of content.

CLARITY- Belonging to a group with members of different cultural backgrounds, it was essential for us to be clear while expressing our point of view. We learnt to overcome any language barrier and work together to complete the task at hand. Watching our oral presentation videos, we realised how important a role clarity plays, for the idea proposed to be properly understood.

COHERENCE – While preparing for the oral presentation or the project report itself, we discussed the subject thoroughly and ensured a healthy exchange and intermixing of ideas and a good level of understanding between each member of the team so that our individual parts would be coherent and inter-related.

CONCRETENESS – It is not only important to express yourself cogently, but also to defend your proposal/solution with valid arguments and polite rebuttal if its questionability is challenged, which we learnt through our oral presentation session.

COMPLETENESS – As they say ‘Practice makes a man perfect’ and indeed we have managed to greatly improve our oral, critical and interpersonal skills through the various presentations, interviews and group discussions that we have had in this module. From nervous wrecks, we have emerged confident and poised, ready to face the world and its people.

Though we spent a huge portion of this semester managing the heavy work load of this module, I feel the skills that this module imparted to me, I will treasure for life. Effective communication and team work skills are really important to succeed in this globalized world. Surely engineers do not just sit behind the chair and work!

A generous and heart-felt thanks to Ms. Lim for bearing with us. If it were not for her keen eye for identifying our strengths and her positive comments, all this would not have been possible.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Akash :)

    Oh, it's the 7Cs again. It has been a very long time since we do the peer-teaching.

    As you said, after learning all the skills and practicing it in class, we really improve a lot and somehow, become more eager to speak out :)

